New CAMER article “Designing and testing social media campaign messages to promote COVID-19 vaccine confidence among rural adults: A community-engaged approach featuring rural community leader and clinician testimonials”

The CAMER team explored the efficacy of a community-engaged approach to developing social media campaign messages in promoting COVID-19 vaccine uptake and pro-vaccine social diffusion among rural adults.

New CAMER article “Emotional Appeals and Norms: How Normative Perceptions Moderate the Persuasive Impacts of Discrete Emotional Appeals within Tobacco Pictorial Warnings in China”

The CAMER team examined how contextual pro-smoking norms might influence the persuasive impacts of discrete emotional appeals within pictorial warnings on tobaccos products, especially in China, where the overall smoking rate and social acceptance remain high.

New CAMER article “Yet Again Conversations Matter: The Importance of Interpersonal Discussions, Educational Campaigns, and Advertising on Cannabis-Related Risk Perceptions, Attitudes, and Intentions in At-Risk Young Adults”

The CAMER team evaluated the relationships between cannabis-related communication and outcomes of interest such as cannabis-related risk perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors among young adults.